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The Company AZOR AMBIENTAL, S.A. has more than 60 years of history and experience. It starts its business in the year 1948 in MURCIA, in Molina de Segura to be more precise,... + >

Azor Ambiental has become one of the few Spanish firms in the recycling and smelting sector to receive the OHSAS 18001 Certification, a prestigious international distinction for... + >

The 5th of June is celebrated as the World Environment Day. The activity of Azor Ambiental has its foundation based on the commitment with the environment. It is... + >

May 17, World Recycling Day. Azor wants to raise awareness on the importance of recycling in our everyday lives Protecting and... + >

Significant experience, professionalism and respect for the Environment have always been distinguishing features and keys of our... + >

Waste Collection Service
Azor Ambiental
C/ Beniel, Crta. de Madrid, Km 387.
Pol. Ind. “La Polvorista”.
Cabezo Cortado
30500 Molina de Segura
(Murcia) Spain
T. + 34 968307025
F. +34 968835912
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