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Environmental policy

The activity of Azor Ambiental iincludes sustainable development criteria that ensure the appropriate management of resources and the protection of the environment.
Rev.1/December 2007

The management of AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A., in keeping with the final waste management activity that the company performs, believes it is necessary to integrate continual improvement and pollution prevention criteria in all of its processes and products, in order to ensure adequate resource management and environmental protection.
AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A., in accordance with the abovementioned, is committed to respect the environment and adopts the following Environmental Policy principles:
1. AZOR AMBIENTAL,S.A. considers the protection of the environment and the sustainable use of resources a top priority, avoiding any potential environmental damage that may derive from their activities and products, through the application of pollution prevention principles.
2. The Company will ensure compliance with all environmental legislation relating to our activity, as well as any other requirement the organisation may subscribe, in order to control and ensure the continual improvement of our processes and products in terms of their relationship with the environment, assessing in advance the consequences of any new development.
3. AZOR AMBIENTAL, S.A. . will adopt the relevant procedures to establish objectives and targets based on minimising emissions, waste and soil damage, as well as for the revision of these and of the policy itself, so as to maintain its effectiveness in terms of environmental respect and adapt to environmental change.
4. AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A., will inform, train and raise awareness among all employees, involving them in the company’s environmental management system. To this end, mechanisms will be provided to promote a sense of responsibility and awareness-raising regarding the impact of their work on the environment.
5. A collaboration framework will be established with suppliers, customers, administrations and the general public, in order to widespread the environmental activities carried out by the company and to communicate reliable information on the environmental effects of AZOR AMBIENTAL, S.A. and their products.
6. AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A. will encourage their suppliers to adopt a committed attitude towards the environment, working in a mutual cooperation relationship with those companies wishing to improve their environmental performance.
The responsibility to meet and respect the Environmental Policy principles, as well as to establish and maintain an effective Environmental Management System relies on the Top Management of AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A., which has assumed the commitment to implement said system in conformity with requirements established in UNE-EN ISO 14.001:2004
The Environmental Policy of the company, cornerstone of said system, shall be regularly reviewed in order for it to maintain its effectiveness and adapt to the changes taking place in the environment. To this end, the collaboration of each and every one of the employees of AZOR AMBIENTAL S.A is required. 
Andrés Gil Buendía 
Managing Director


Waste Collection Service
Azor Ambiental
C/ Beniel, Crta. de Madrid, Km 387.
Pol. Ind. “La Polvorista”.
Cabezo Cortado
30500 Molina de Segura
(Murcia) Spain
T. + 34 968307025
F. +34 968835912
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